The POST /invoices
endpoint is designed to receive invoice information in JSON format with easily understandable parameter names. The request body only requires the essential information, ensuring efficient transmission of data.
The API will automatically convert the invoice information to UBL format, adhering to PEPPOL standards. In addition, the API will validate the recipient's existence according to PEPPOL standards.
While it's possible to embed a human-readable PDF document with the invoice message, it's important to note that the primary legal source document will be the UBL document when using PEPPOL standards.
Pre Conditions
[1] The sender of the invoice must first be registered by calling the POST /customers
endpoint. This precondition ensures that only registered senders can submit invoices via this endpoint.
Post Conditions
[1] After successfully submitting a PEPPOL invoice using this endpoint, you will receive a unique UBL document identifier. To download the UBL document, this by calling the GET /ubl-documents
endpoint with the UBL document identifier.
[2] The UBL document will only be available for 30 days from the time of submission, after which it will be deleted. As a result, it's the user's responsibility to archive the document before it becomes unavailable.